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20 September 2012

Free crap

Well then, last week's giveaway of free stuff went pretty well. I'm not really sure why something that was previously .99 cents and then is suddenly free should get downloaded so many times, but it did. And, the evil genius that I am, since I was giving away the first book in a trilogy, I hooked a bunch of people into buying book 2 and book 3. Suckers!

Anyways, I feel bad for doing something so underhanded, so here is a one-off book, Boo Noon, that isn't a ruse trying to get you to buy more stuff. Unless, of course, you think C.K. Edwards is a pretty good writer and you want to buy everything he has ever penned. If that is the case, well, don't let me stand in your way.

Boo Noon is a fun little thing I wrote a few years ago where you have a teenager who gets super powers and then is thrown into a weird situation and you've got all the attendant "who gave him super powers and why" questions. Give it a try. It's free.

And, my .99 cent book, Shadow and Shade, will also be on sale again for free. Both of these books, Friday only. Two books for the price of zero! What a way to start a weekend. It's like Super Bowl Sunday and a trip to Disneyland at the same freaking time. I might achieve sainthood with this one act.

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