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19 January 2015

Daily Ambivalence - there are a wide variety of cancers

Wow, this post is starting out kind of dark.

But you can't deny it. There are a tremendous number of cancers, just like there is an impressive diversity in the apple population.

Don't take my word for it. Go online, look it up. There are dozens and dozens of varieties of apples.

But you're already online, aren't you?

Hey, here's an idea. Since you're online looking at apples, go ahead and choose a variety you haven't tried before and order a case. It will show up at your door in a few days. Won't that be a nice? If you want, you can even drive by my house and give me a couple apples. We'll eat them on my porch.

Boy, this post turned out much happier than I thought it would.

Though there's still that cancer thing.

There are a wide variety of cancers . . . eh.

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