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18 November 2011

Christmas is coming

Another great cover from Vladimir Chopine over at Geekatplay Studio. This time, Vladimir got his daughter, Tasha, involved, and I have her to thank for the tree and gifts on the right. This book is a collection of short stories I wrote over the last five years. My wife, Kris, suggested I write a Christmas short story for our neighbors way back then, and I have done it every year since. I will probably do it every year for the rest of my life if I can keep the stories fresh. It's a nice tradition.
This book is available at Amazon or Smashwords for purchase. My neighbors have loved these stories. I hope you will too.

11 November 2011

For a friend

Invulnerable child.
Youthful body of health
and energy. You raced
through your long days
like all the year was Summer.
Your thin shoulders held such
strength. Your arms all but bone,
they could cut through the harshest misery.
I can feel them about my neck.
Even now.

Your pleasant outcry, the din
you made in our home,
I despair in its departure.
Photos hung in the hall will be hollow,
flat and without texture.

01 November 2011

One Sunday

On her lap a quiet moment with a book of trains,
or cowboys and Indians, or a page of wild color,
exotic animals half hid by jungle brush,
or single letters that then stood for dog or cat or xylophone.
I do not remember.

There on her lap
she whispered in my ear the words of a story,
the beginning middle and end not at all important,
only her voice,
soothing tonic I must have cherished.