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20 August 2011

What I've Written

Until this year, I've written mostly in fits and starts. Really not much of a list for 20+ years of effort. But I've got my 1,000 a day goal now, and I am sticking to it.

First book - A western. I rewrote it two or three times, so I could fudge and call that three, but I will only call it one. Never named it, that I can remember. It is buried in a file cabinet somewhere and will never see the light of day. I was a big Louis L'Amour fan back then.

Second effort - the Without Mother Without Father Trilogy. Spent far too many years going over this and rewriting. Have seen it so much I don't really know how good it is. Electronic publishing allows me to put it out there for others to decide.

Third try - Blissful Misery. Not out for sale on Amazon yet. I am going to get a cover soon and then I will dispense. Kind of short, but some good writing. A friend and I have put some work into making this a graphic novel, so that might happen.

A screenplay called The Forerunner. Got the name from a Ralph Waldo Emerson poem. About a man who thinks his father committed suicide and how that has affected his life. A bit of a thriller.

Some short stories and a couple other screenplays I didn't finish.

Last finished project - Alone With You Somehow. Lifted the name out of a tune by one of my favorite bands - Self. Finished it the end of June. Letting it sit for a month before I return and start a review. This book stemmed from a challenge I believe I received in a class I took from Dave Wolverton (David Farland). The challenge was more for a short story, but I made it bigger. It was to have your main character do something really horrible in the first scene, then redeem him by the end of the story. Hopefully I succeeded.

The next book will be an HP knock off.


  1. Didn't you do a little book called Pocket Hole? Oh,...maybe that was some one else.

  2. The first bit of evidence, of much to come I am sure, that C.K. Edwards is a putz. Yes, C.K. did a graphic novel with his good friend AJ Bell last year. He intended to include that in the post, but didn't because of approaching dementia.
