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14 January 2015

Daily Ambivalence - the doorman outside my building didn't great me with enthusiasm today

The doorman outside my building didn't great me with enthusiasm today.

I can't figure it out. You'd think a guy with such a snazzy uniform would be happy all the time. I guess that just goes to show that good tailoring can solve only so many of the world's problems.

It does make me wonder what got what's-his-name down today. Not that anything would be a valid excuse for his behavior. The guy's job is to be a ray of sunshine when people like me enter or exit the building. Someone told me once that he's been doing it for thirty years.

I hate to do it, but I'm going to see about getting whatever his name is fired. I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to things like courtesy and kindness.

The doorman outside my building didn't great me with enthusiasm today . . . eh.

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