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30 January 2015

Daily Ambivalence - I wonder if there's much child labor involved in the mass production of peanut brittle

I go through peanut brittle phases where I just can't get enough of the stuff.

Crunchy yet airy hard candy. How can you not love that?

This question would be academic if I didn't actually know people who don't like peanut brittle.

What a puzzle. I'm convinced it can't be the taste. And that makes me fearful that child labor is the reason some people don't like peanut brittle. Maybe the people who don't like peanut brittle say that because they are conscientious objectors, even though they probably like peanut brittle as much as I do.

Which is silly. Those people could come to my house and eat some peanut brittle that I made instead of buying peanut brittle made in China.

I stopped using child labor a long time ago.

Depending on your definition of child labor, of course.

I wonder if there's much child labor involved in the mass production of peanut brittle . . . eh.

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